Vincent Van Gogh: how to get the most of your museum visits in Holland

Two great Vincent van Gogh collections exist side by side in the Netherlands. How is this possible? This is the story of two great collectors and collections:

The first, visionary is Helene Müller, born 1869, who married the rich industrial, Mr. Kröller and thus, according to Dutch custom, appointed Mrs Kröller-Müller. As the couple was incredibly rich that they bought a vast hunting area and built a luxurious villa-cum-hunting lodge and detailed plans for major museums on their property to house the collection of modern art collected by Helene. With almost unlimited funds, an impeccable taste and Mr. Bremmer as Advisor main art side of it, it began to buy works by Juan Gris, Piet Mondian and many other names of artists internationally famous. These works of art were still affordable at the time.

Then came the economic collapse of 1933 and evaporated in their capital of the company. With foresight, the Dutch State took over the land and the art collections and support for the construction of the small museum to house the large collection and then opened the Museum and Wildlife Park to the public as a celebration of the interaction between the Nature & s. Subsequent administration added new wings and designed and filled with a vast sculpture park which is almost unparalleled in the world. A visit to the Park is a treat. It needs a car to go there, out in the middle of nowhere.

The collector, Theo van Gogh, is known worldwide as the brother floating Vincent. During his life, Vincent van Gogh is way of the market that he managed to sell one or two paintings. All other works, he painted finished with his brother Theo, who considers the paintings sent by Vincent Theo as a fair exchange for the steady stream of Theo in Vincent money. Theo also wanted Vincent of friendship with the circle of the Impressionists () modern in Paris to Exchange paintings as the basis for a gallery for modern art, designed by Theo. The company was never realized due to his premature death.

Theo died just one year after Vincent and Theo widow launched a PR campaign make name of Vincent famous around the world. She wrote to art dealers and sent paintings to be exhibited and sold around the world. And it began publishing the famous volumes of letters by Vincent. The sandwich of the two: Art & letters had Vincent the first artist in the world that can be followed in the life and career and art almost weekly.

Paintings by Vincent van Gogh subsequently sold all over the world by the widow of Theo how shine as ambassadors of incredible lives of artists and artistic genius. Can also go to the MOMA, NYC and see starry night, and in London, we see wonderful sunflowers.

These works of art by Vincent and his contemporaries from the collection of the family are now beautifully exposed in Amsterdam, the Dutch State has come to terms with the family of Van Gogh to erect a building and to take care of staffing and running costs. Added to this core collection are works of art that inspired Vincent and often mentioned in the letters from Vincent to Theo. Subsequently been collected are also works of Expressionist painters Dutch and German Expressionists who defends Vincent. They dare to go where no man ventured before.

(A few words on how to pronounce his name in Dutch: South of the great rivers, where he was born, the "g" is soft and aspirated.) (North of these rivers, where he has lived and worked as a young man 'g' is hard, almost Scottish as compensation loudly back a throat.)


Art historian has published many works and has a large capacity to share with others, his great passion for the history of art, while sharing ways to increased perception.

With a little luck, I can take you to two locations, Amsterdam and Otterlo and you give a fascinating and riveting on-site conferences on history, art history and appreciation of art. As a specialist in art that i CAN stand next to you and we shall see what can provide knowledge and passion. In order to really "get it", it can take a specialist to learn to see and to fully appreciate. I am this type of art docent historian.

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