Fine Art Outlets

Painting with acrylic or oil paints is both a challenge and an enjoyable leisure or employment revenue for an artist. Ourself can enjoy our work. Onlookers and art critics may also enjoy our paintings. Historically fine art artists seemingly have the worse financial set backs when the economy is in a down pattern.

Fine art is a luxury purchase

As artists we realize the practical matter of money. Fine artwork is not the first item on the list when competing with food and shelter. It is very much considered a luxury purchase or a nonessential purchase when the basic needs for survival need to be met on a daily basis.

Art collectors are a possibility

Art patrons who are wealthy and can afford to purchase fine art are holding back on their cash. However, there are collectors who are willing to pay specialty rates or discounts and are looking for fine art outlets with these special offers.

Sorry, I am the average artist and do not fall into that particular tier of talent nor do I know any wealthy acquaintances. Like everyone else needing to survive, we take a detour and work at other jobs and our fine art becomes our hobby or part-time business.

The market will change

Do not forget that as artists we are very creative and we all know that sooner or later things will change. Should we still lack top shelf fine art this is the time to keep improving our skills.

The market will change bringing prosperity and there will be people willing to invest in unknown artists who have great talent.

What are the solutions?

Keep paintingPrepare and build future inventoryRefine our skillsExperiment with new or self developed techniquesContinue networkingOpen our idea and inspiration notes to meet new challengesKeep our education updated

Think outside the box:

Artists are blessed with imagination. We have the ability to transfer our mental picture with a paint brush dipped with acrylic or oil paints into a visual master piece on canvas.Take time to think and use these abilities to bring about positive ideas, solutions and changes.Keep up with the industry by reading your trade magazines and other paper sources.Network both online and offline with other artists to exchange ideas and work out practical solutions.Explore other outlets to market your paintings.Most importantly, keep painting.

Discover how to improve your acrylic and oil paintings as well as locating fine art outlets. Visit the hobbies section of Infotrish at and review Learn Portrait Painting with Acrylic & Oil Paint.

Tricia Deed, writer for brings you through internet marketing hobbies for your leisure, recreation, and business opportunities. I invite you to visit my web pages to review the various hobby companies. Do take advantage of their free giveaways.

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